@sheena@fosstodon.org | https://sheenaoc.com | x: @sheena_oconnell

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Power to the people

Who teach the people

To code

Hi, I'm Sheena

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  • Coding since young teen
  • Worked in a lot of startups
  • Spent the last 5 years in tech education

Education work

  • Training and mentoring learners
  • Training and mentoring teachers
  • Science of learning => Engineering of learning
    • Building the stuff
    • Human processes

Passionate about empowering those who empower others

When it comes to education everyone is an expert

...well... no not really

Common practices

  • Reading and re-reading
  • Passively watching videos
  • Memorization and pattern-matching over understanding


  • When learning feels hard, people lose faith
  • Learning how to learn is a whole thing

Learning how to learn effectively => Compounding effect

Make it stick == brilliant book


  • Teaching ++
  • Learning ++
  • Inspire people to try teaching

Dawn Wages

  • DjangoCon Organiser
  • Wagtail core team member
  • PSF President

"The Django community and specifically Django Girls at DjangoCon US started career as a programmer."

A perfectly normal classroom

  • A bunch of learners
  • Steep teacher : learner ratio
  • Sage on the stage
  • Projects and tests at certain times (eg: quarterly exam)
  • Everyone at the same pace

A perfectly normal classroom

Improving pass rates

  • Lower expectations on learners
  • Improve quality of education

Bloom's 2 sigma problem

"The average student tutored one-to-one using mastery learning techniques performed two standard deviations better than students educated in a classroom environment"

Let's always do that!

Mastery learning techniques

Skills stack on top of skills

Skills stack on top of skills ...a lot

One to one?

  • More engaging for the learner: No gazing out the window
  • The teacher can focus on one learner and what they need

Lectures and classrooms...

  • Hard to get right
  • Hard to know if you are doing a good job
  • Still useful

Mastery based learning => Mastery of teaching

"Education is Not the Filling of a Pail, but the Lighting of a Fire"

All we have is time

What is teaching?

  • knowledge transfer?
  • answering questions?
  • solving problems?

Teaching is planting seeds


Set a learner up so that they continue to learn and grow on their own

At the end of a good "class" a learner should...

  • Feel that it is worth getting good - enthusiasm / curiousiosity
  • Feel confident that they can move forward
  • Know what steps to take
  • Be able to take those steps

Growth mindset vs Fixed mindset

  • Fixed Mindset == Belief that you either have it or you don't
  • Growth Mindset == Belief that you have the ability to grow and learn

Huberman Lab podcast

People with a growth mindset...

  • Don't take failure personally - it's a lesson
  • Look at a struggle positively
  • More willing to seek out help (instead of hide deficiencies)
  • Less judgemental when others struggle
  • A lot more

It's a spectrum

It's a lot of spectrums

Foster a growth mindset in...

  • The people you teach: it amplifies their rate of growth
  • Yourself as a teacher: You can become a better teacher

Mastery based learning
=> Growth Mindset

Zooming in

Meta... what?

Awareness and understanding of one's own thought process. Thinking about thinking.

Practically speaking...

  • Help the learner be a better learner by teaching them how to learn
  • Some teaching techniques are more powerful than others

Assess πŸ§ͺ

  • Be a detective/mind-reader/scientist
  • Maintain good signal to noise ratio
  • We are training coders, not parrots
  • What will the code PRINT

Illuminate πŸͺ™

  • Try to be a guide rather than give a mini lecture
  • In your pocket
  • Trust no one!

=> Catalyse further growth πŸͺ΄

  • Retrieval practice
  • Push it further
  • Learning is hard!

Foundational practices and mindsets

  • The opportunity to be wrong
  • Psychological safety
  • Celebrate small wins
  • You can do this yourself!

The protΓ©gΓ© effect

  • Preparation to teach
  • Actual teaching => retrieval practice
  • Learners ask questions => low stakes testing
  • Learners ask weird questions => mental framework building

The guild of educators

  • Empower educators by spreading:
    • Skills
    • Opportunities
  • Initial focus: Volunteer-run Python education
  • Join us
  • Support us

Learning sprint

  • Django
  • HTMX
  • Playwright
  • TailwindCSS
  • Maybe AlpineJS

Are you keen?


  • Learn about learning
  • Teach someone